Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme

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Comparative Genomics of Disease and Carriage Serotype 1 Pneumococci.

Chaguza C, Ebruke C, Senghore M, Lo SW, Tientcheu PE, Gladstone RA, Tonkin-Hill G, Cornick JE, Yang M, Worwui A, McGee L, Breiman RF, Klugman KP, Kadioglu A, Everett DB, Mackenzie G, Croucher NJ, Roca A, Kwambana-Adams BA, Antonio M, Bentley SD,

A clinical and molecular epidemiological survey of hepatitis C in Blantyre, Malawi, suggests a historic mechanism of transmission.

Stockdale AJ, Kreuels B, Shawa IT, Meiring JE, Thindwa D, Silungwe NM, Chetcuti K, Joekes E, Mbewe M, Mbale B, Patel P, Kachala R, Patel PD, Malewa J, Finch P, Davis C, Shah R, Tong L, da Silva Filipe A, Thomson EC, Geretti AM, Gordon MA,

Influence of sex, season and environmental air quality on experimental human pneumococcal carriage acquisition: a retrospective cohort analysis.

Cheliotis KS, Jewell CP, Solórzano C, Urban B, Collins AM, Mitsi E, Pojar S, Nikolaou E, German EL, Reiné J, Gordon SB, Jochems SP, Rylance J, Ferreira DM,

Temporal trends in associations between severe mental illness and risk of cardiovascular disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Lambert AM, Parretti HM, Pearce E, Price MJ, Riley M, Ryan R, Tyldesley-Marshall N, Avşar TS, Matthewman G, Lee A, Ahmed K, Odland ML, Correll CU, Solmi M, Marshall T,

Evolutionary changes between pre- and post-vaccine South African group A G2P[4] rotavirus strains, 2003-2017.

Mwangi PN, Page NA, Seheri ML, Mphahlele MJ, Nadan S, Esona MD, Kumwenda B, Kamng’ona AW, Donato CM, Steele DA, Ndze VN, Dennis FE, Jere KC, Nyaga MM,

A critical examination of research narratives ‘rumours’ and passive community resistance in medical research.

Nyirenda D, Sariola S, Desmond N,

AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine induces robust broadly cross-reactive antibody responses in Malawian adults previously infected with SARS-CoV-2.

Chibwana MG, Moyo-Gwete T, Kwatra G, Mandolo J, Hermanaus T, Motlou T, Mzindle N, Ayres F, Chaponda M, Tembo G, Mwenechanya P, Mitole N, Jassi C, Kamng’ona R, Afran L, Mzinza D, Mwandumba HC, Gordon SB, Jere K, Madhi S, Moore PL, Heyderman RS, Jambo KC,

Single-Dose Liposomal Amphotericin B Treatment for Cryptococcal Meningitis.

Jarvis JN, Lawrence DS, Meya DB, Kagimu E, Kasibante J, Mpoza E, Rutakingirwa MK, Ssebambulidde K, Tugume L, Rhein J, Boulware DR, Mwandumba HC, Moyo M, Mzinganjira H, Kanyama C, Hosseinipour MC, Chawinga C, Meintjes G, Schutz C, Comins K, Singh A, Muzoora C, Jjunju S, Nuwagira E, Mosepele M, Leeme T, Siamisang K, Ndhlovu CE, Hlupeni A, Mutata C, van Widenfelt E, Chen T, Wang D, Hope W, Boyer-Chammard T, Loyse A, Molloy SF, Youssouf N, Lortholary O, Lalloo DG, Jaffar S, Harrison TS, Ambition Study Group,

Missed opportunities for diagnosis and treatment in patients with TB symptoms: a systematic review.

Divala TH, Lewis J, Bulterys MA, Lutje V, Corbett EL, Schumacher SG, MacPherson P,

Household food insecurity, maternal nutrition, environmental risks and infants’ health outcomes: protocol of the IMPALA birth cohort study in Uganda.

Terfa ZG, Nantanda R, Lesosky M, Devereux G, Obasi A, Mortimer K, Khan J, Rylance J, Niessen LW, IMPALA Consortium,