Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme

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Fine-scale spatial and temporal variation of clinical malaria incidence and associated factors in children in rural Malawi: a longitudinal study.

Kabaghe AN, Chipeta MG, Gowelo S, Mburu M, Truwah Z, McCann RS, van Vugt M, Grobusch MP, Phiri KS,

Causes and Timing of Mortality and Morbidity Among Late Presenters Starting Antiretroviral Therapy in the REALITY Trial.

Post FA, Szubert AJ, Prendergast AJ, Johnston V, Lyall H, Fitzgerald F, Musiime V, Musoro G, Chepkorir P, Agutu C, Mallewa J, Rajapakse C, Wilkes H, Hakim J, Mugyenyi P, Walker AS, Gibb DM, Pett SL, Reduction of EArly mortaLITY in HIV-infected adults and children starting antiretroviral therapy (REALITY) Trial Team,

Late Presentation With HIV in Africa: Phenotypes, Risk, and Risk Stratification in the REALITY Trial.

Siika A, McCabe L, Bwakura-Dangarembizi M, Kityo C, Mallewa J, Berkley J, Maitland K, Griffiths A, Baleeta K, Mudzingwa S, Abach J, Nathoo K, Thomason MJ, Prendergast AJ, Walker AS, Gibb DM, REALITY Trial Team,

Predictive value of C-reactive protein for tuberculosis, bloodstream infection or death among HIV-infected individuals with chronic, non-specific symptoms and negative sputum smear microscopy.

Bedell RA, van Lettow M, Meaney C, Corbett EL, Chan AK, Heyderman RS, Anderson ST, Åkesson A, Kumwenda M, Zachariah R, Harries AD, Ramsay AR,

Completion of isoniazid preventive therapy among human immunodeficiency virus positive adults in urban Malawi.

Thindwa D, MacPherson P, Choko AT, Khundi M, Sambakunsi R, Ngwira LG, Kalua T, Webb EL, Corbett EL,

Delay in seeking care for tuberculosis symptoms among adults newly diagnosed with HIV in rural Malawi.

Ngwira LG, Dowdy DW, Khundi M, Barnes GL, Nkhoma A, Choko AT, Murowa M, Chaisson RE, Corbett EL, Fielding K,

Neuroimaging of headaches in patients with normal neurological examination: protocol for a systematic review.

Kenteu B, Fogang YF, Nyaga UF, Zafack JG, Noubiap JJ, Kamtchum-Tatuene J,

Public engagement in Malawi through a health-talk radio programme ‘ Umoyo nkukambirana’: A mixed-methods evaluation.

Nyirenda D, Makawa TC, Chapita G, Mdalla C, Nkolokosa M, O’byrne T, Heyderman R, Desmond N,

Emergence of Double- and Triple-Gene Reassortant G1P[8] Rotaviruses Possessing a DS-1-Like Backbone after Rotavirus Vaccine Introduction in Malawi.

Jere KC, Chaguza C, Bar-Zeev N, Lowe J, Peno C, Kumwenda B, Nakagomi O, Tate JE, Parashar UD, Heyderman RS, French N, Cunliffe NA, Iturriza-Gomara M,

Alveolar T-helper 17 responses to streptococcus pneumoniae are preserved in ART-untreated and treated HIV-infected Malawian adults.

Peno C, Banda DH, Jambo N, Kankwatira AM, Malamba RD, Allain TJ, Ferreira DM, Heyderman RS, Russell DG, Mwandumba HC, Jambo KC,