Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme

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Respiratory cryptosporidiosis in Malawian children with diarrheal disease.

Iroh Tam PY, Chisala M, Nyangulu W, Thole H, Nyirenda J,

Improving pathways to care through interventions cocreated with communities: a qualitative investigation of men’s barriers to tuberculosis care-seeking in an informal settlement in Blantyre, Malawi.

Phiri MM, Makepeace E, Nyali M, Kumwenda M, Corbett L, Fielding K, Choko A, MacPherson P, MacPherson EE,

Identifying prognostic factors of severe metabolic acidosis and uraemia in African children with severe falciparum malaria: a secondary analysis of a randomized trial.

Mzumara G, Leopold S, Marsh K, Dondorp A, Ohuma EO, Mukaka M,

A pragmatic health centre-based evaluation comparing the effectiveness of a PCV13 schedule change from 3+0 to 2+1 in a high pneumococcal carriage and disease burden setting in Malawi: a study protocol.

Swarthout TD, Ibarz-Pavon A, Kawalazira G, Sinjani G, Chirombo J, Gori A, Chalusa P, Bonomali F, Nyirenda R, Bulla E, Brown C, Msefula J, Banda M, Kachala J, Mwansambo C, Henrion MY, Gordon SB, French N, Heyderman RS,

Cost of community-led larval source management and house improvement for malaria control: a cost analysis within a cluster-randomized trial in a rural district in Malawi.

Phiri MD, McCann RS, Kabaghe AN, van den Berg H, Malenga T, Gowelo S, Tizifa T, Takken W, van Vugt M, Phiri KS, Terlouw DJ, Worrall E,

Distinct clinical and immunological profiles of patients with evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in sub-Saharan Africa.

Morton B, Barnes KG, Anscombe C, Jere K, Matambo P, Mandolo J, Kamng’ona R, Brown C, Nyirenda J, Phiri T, Banda NP, Van Der Veer C, Mndolo KS, Mponda K, Rylance J, Phiri C, Mallewa J, Nyirenda M, Katha G, Kambiya P, Jafali J, Mwandumba HC, Gordon SB, Blantyre COVID-19 Consortium, Cornick J, Jambo KC,

Prevalence and Population-Attributable Risk for Chronic Airflow Obstruction in a Large Multinational Study.

Burney P, Patel J, Minelli C, Gnatiuc L, Amaral AFS, Kocabaş A, Cherkaski HH, Gulsvik A, Nielsen R, Bateman E, Jithoo A, Mortimer K, Sooronbaev TM, Lawin H, Nejjari C, Elbiaze M, El Rhazi K, Zheng JP, Ran P, Welte T, Obaseki D, Erhabor G, Elsony A, Osman NB, Ahmed R, Nizankowska-Mogilnicka E, Mejza F, Mannino DM, Bárbara C, Wouters EFM, Idolor LF, Loh LC, Rashid A, Juvekar S, Gislason T, Al Ghobain M, Studnicka M, Harrabi I, Denguezli M, Koul PA, Jenkins C, Marks G, Jõgi R, Hafizi H, Janson C, Tan WC, Aquart-Stewart A, Mbatchou B, Nafees AA, Gunasekera K, Seemungal T, Anand MP, Enright P, Vollmer WM, Blangiardo M, Elfadaly FG, Buist AS, BOLD Collaborative Research Group,

Dysglycemia in Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Ledger E, Harawa PP, Daniel AI, Candler T, Prentice AM, Bandsma RHJ,

‘If not TB, what could it be?’ Chest X-ray findings from the 2016 Kenya Tuberculosis Prevalence Survey.

Mungai BN, Joekes E, Masini E, Obasi A, Manduku V, Mugi B, Ong’angò J, Kirathe D, Kiplimo R, Sitienei J, Oronje R, Morton B, Squire SB, MacPherson P, IMPALA Consortium,

Challenges and opportunities to end tuberculosis in the COVID-19 era.

Wingfield T, Karmadwala F, MacPherson P, Millington KA, Walker NF, Cuevas LE, Squire SB,