Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme

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Screening for Tuberculosis With Xpert MTB/RIF Assay Versus Fluorescent Microscopy Among Adults Newly Diagnosed With Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Rural Malawi: A Cluster Randomized Trial (Chepetsa).

Ngwira LG, Corbett EL, Khundi M, Barnes GL, Nkhoma A, Murowa M, Cohn S, Moulton LH, Chaisson RE, Dowdy DW,

A Randomized Trial of Prophylactic Antibiotics for Miscarriage Surgery.

Lissauer D, Wilson A, Hewitt CA, Middleton L, Bishop JRB, Daniels J, Merriel A, Weeks A, Mhango C, Mataya R, Taulo F, Ngalawesa T, Chirwa A, Mphasa C, Tambala T, Chiudzu G, Mwalwanda C, Mboma A, Qureshi R, Ahmed I, Ismail H, Oladapo OT, Mbaruku G, Chibwana J, Watts G, Simon B, Ditai J, Otim Tom C, Acam J, Ekunait J, Unzia H, Iyaku M, Makiika JJ, Zamora J, Roberts T, Goranitis I, Bar-Zeev S, Desmond N, Arulkumaran S, Bhutta ZA, Gulmezoglu AM, Coomarasamy A,

Typhoid Vaccine Acceleration Consortium Malawi: A Phase III, Randomized, Double-blind, Controlled Trial of the Clinical Efficacy of Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine Among Children in Blantyre, Malawi.

Meiring JE, Laurens MB, Patel P, Patel P, Misiri T, Simiyu K, Mwakiseghile F, Tracy JK, Masesa C, Liang Y, Henrion M, Rotrosen E, Gmeiner M, Heyderman R, Kotloff K, Gordon MA, Neuzil KM,

Community Engagement Before Initiation of Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine Trial in Schools in Two Urban Townships in Blantyre, Malawi: Experience and Lessons.

Meiring JE, Sambakunsi R, Moyo E, Misiri T, Mwakiseghile F, Patel P, Patel P, Ndaferankhande J, Laurens M, Gooding K, Gordon MA,

Noncommunicable Respiratory Disease and Air Pollution Exposure in Malawi (CAPS). A Cross-Sectional Study.

Nightingale R, Lesosky M, Flitz G, Rylance SJ, Meghji J, Burney P, Balmes J, Mortimer K,

Harnessing alternative sources of antimicrobial resistance data to support surveillance in low-resource settings.

Ashley EA, Shetty N, Patel J, van Doorn R, Limmathurotsakul D, Feasey NA, Okeke IN, Peacock SJ,

HIV is associated with endothelial activation despite ART, in a sub-Saharan African setting.

Kamtchum-Tatuene J, Mwandumba H, Al-Bayati Z, Flatley J, Griffiths M, Solomon T, Benjamin L,

Screening for tuberculosis: time to move beyond symptoms.

Yoon C, Dowdy DW, Esmail H, MacPherson P, Schumacher SG,

Contacts of underserved tuberculosis patients have higher odds of TB disease in North West England: a cohort study.

Wingfield T, MacPherson P, Sodha P, Tucker A, Mithoo J, Squire SB, Cleary P,

Ability to understand and correctly follow HIV self-test kit instructions for use: applying the cognitive interview technique in Malawi and Zambia.

Simwinga M, Kumwenda MK, Dacombe RJ, Kayira L, Muzumara A, Johnson CC, Indravudh P, Sibanda EL, Nyirenda L, Hatzold K, Corbett EL, Ayles H, Taegtmeyer M,