Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme

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Detection of lipoarabinomannan (LAM) in urine is indicative of disseminated TB with renal involvement in patients living with HIV and advanced immunodeficiency: evidence and implications.

Lawn SD, Gupta-Wright A,

Loss of Multicellular Behavior in Epidemic African Nontyphoidal Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium ST313 Strain D23580.

Singletary LA, Karlinsey JE, Libby SJ, Mooney JP, Lokken KL, Tsolis RM, Byndloss MX, Hirao LA, Gaulke CA, Crawford RW, Dandekar S, Kingsley RA, Msefula CL, Heyderman RS, Fang FC,

Time for men to count, too.

Horton KC, Houben RM, White RG, Corbett EL,

Cost and quality of life analysis of HIV self-testing and facility-based HIV testing and counselling in Blantyre, Malawi.

Maheswaran H, Petrou S, MacPherson P, Choko AT, Kumwenda F, Lalloo DG, Clarke A, Corbett EL,

Adjunctive Dexamethasone in HIV-Associated Cryptococcal Meningitis.

Beardsley J, Wolbers M, Kibengo FM, Ggayi AB, Kamali A, Cuc NT, Binh TQ, Chau NV, Farrar J, Merson L, Phuong L, Thwaites G, Van Kinh N, Thuy PT, Chierakul W, Siriboon S, Thiansukhon E, Onsanit S, Supphamongkholchaikul W, Chan AK, Heyderman R, Mwinjiwa E, van Oosterhout JJ, Imran D, Basri H, Mayxay M, Dance D, Phimmasone P, Rattanavong S, Lalloo DG, Day JN, CryptoDex Investigators,

Comparison of indoor contact time data in Zambia and Western Cape, South Africa suggests targeting of interventions to reduce Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission should be informed by local data.

McCreesh N, Looker C, Dodd PJ, Plumb ID, Shanaube K, Muyoyeta M, Godfrey-Faussett P, Corbett EL, Ayles H, White RG,

Author Correction for Hochman et al., Fatal Pediatric Cerebral Malaria Is Associated with Intravascular Monocytes and Platelets That Are Increased with HIV Coinfection.

Hochman SE, Madaline TF, Wassmer SC, Mbale E, Choi N, Seydel KB, Whitten RO, Varughese J, Grau GE, Kamiza S, Molyneux ME, Taylor TE, Lee S, Milner DA Jr, Kim K,

H3ABioNet, a sustainable pan-African bioinformatics network for human heredity and health in Africa.

Mulder NJ, Adebiyi E, Alami R, Benkahla A, Brandful J, Doumbia S, Everett D, Fadlelmola FM, Gaboun F, Gaseitsiwe S, Ghazal H, Hazelhurst S, Hide W, Ibrahimi A, Jaufeerally Fakim Y, Jongeneel CV, Joubert F, Kassim S, Kayondo J, Kumuthini J, Lyantagaye S, Makani J, Mansour Alzohairy A, Masiga D, Moussa A, Nash O, Ouwe Missi Oukem-Boyer O, Owusu-Dabo E, Panji S, Patterton H, Radouani F, Sadki K, Seghrouchni F, Tastan Bishop Ö, Tiffin N, Ulenga N, H3ABioNet Consortium,

High mortality and prevalence of HIV and tuberculosis in adults with chronic cough in Malawi: a cohort study.

Nliwasa M, MacPherson P, Mukaka M, Mdolo A, Mwapasa M, Kaswaswa K, Msefula C, Chipungu G, Mwandumba HC, Corbett EL,

Comparison of the effectiveness of three retinal camera technologies for malarial retinopathy detection in Malawi.

Soliz P, Nemeth SC, Barriga ES, Harding SP, Lewallen S, Taylor TE, MacCormick IJ, Joshi VS,