Performance of molecular methods for the detection of Salmonella in human stool specimens.
Chirambo AC, Nyirenda TS, Jambo N, Msefula C, Kamng’ona A, Molina S, Mandala WL, Heyderman RS, Iturizza-Gomara M, Henrion MYR, Gordon MA,
- January 1, 2020
A Computational Model for Estimating the Progression of COVID-19 Cases in the US West and East Coast Population Regions.
Henrion M, Yeo YY, Yeo YR, Yeo WJ,
- January 1, 2020
Cost-effectiveness and public health impact of RTS,S/AS01 (E) malaria vaccine in Malawi, using a Markov static model.
Ndeketa L, Mategula D, Terlouw DJ, Bar-Zeev N, Sauboin CJ, Biernaux S,
- January 1, 2020