Population Health
Who we are
We are working on a strategy to underpin the Population Health Theme and would like this to be as collaborative as possible, including input from the early- and mid-career researchers who may potentially be aligned to the Population Health Theme and who we see as potential future leaders.
What we (will) do
Through shared learning, training, and development, support an emerging pipeline of world-leading Malawian research leaders in population health methodologies. Support outstanding collaborative funding applications to deliver world-leading population health research. Contribute to the strategic direction of MLW by advocating for emphasis on Population Health strategic appointments, resourcing, and infrastructure. Develop and advance MLW and global expertise in population health research methods relevant to low-income settings, particularly:
- High-resolution surveillance, epidemiology, and geospatial statistics to inform better-targeted delivery of health interventions
- Randomised trial designs, implementation, and analysis methods to rapidly evaluate promising health interventions
- Health economics, policy, and implementation science to scale up interventions and measure impact