Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme

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MartSurv Study

Maternal Surveillance Platform

The Maternal Surveillance platform is an online platform which was established in Malawi to capture the direct and indirect effects of COVID-19 on maternal and neonatal outcomes and quality of care in hospitals in Malawi. Data collected is on the following areas:

  1. COVID-19
  2. Maternal near miss
  3. Maternal death
  4. Facility level quality of care

The platform has replaced hard copies MDSR MDA-1 and MDA-2 forms reporting system and managed through Ministry of Health existing systems. It has been adapted and being maintained to improve the information available for hospitals and the ministry of health on maternal and neonatal health outcomes and quality of care. Data is collected in real time and reflected through an online dashboard. Currently, the platform is undergoing a transition phase to the Malawi DHIS 2 tracker for sustainability.

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