Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme

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Unsuppressed HIV infection impairs T cell responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection and abrogates T cell cross-recognition.

Nkosi T, Chasara C, Papadopoulos AO, Nguni TL, Karim F, Moosa MS, Gazy I, Jambo K, COMMIT-KZN-Team, Hanekom W, Sigal A, Ndhlovu ZM,

Protocol for a phase IV double-blind randomised controlled trial to investigate the effect of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine on pneumococcal colonisation using the experimental human pneumococcal challenge model in healthy adults (PREVENTING PNEUMO 2).

Liatsikos K, Hyder-Wright A, Pojar S, Chen T, Wang D, Davies K, Myerscough C, Reine J, Robinson RE, Urban B, Mitsi E, Solorzano C, Gordon SB, Quinn A, Pan K, Anderson AS, Theilacker C, Begier E, Gessner BD, Collins A, Ferreira DM, PNEUMO 2 study group,

Hotspots and super-spreaders: Modelling fine-scale malaria parasite transmission using mosquito flight behaviour.

Sedda L, McCann RS, Kabaghe AN, Gowelo S, Mburu MM, Tizifa TA, Chipeta MG, van den Berg H, Takken W, van Vugt M, Phiri KS, Cain R, Tangena JA, Jones CM,

Neurodevelopmental, cognitive, behavioural and mental health impairments following childhood malnutrition: a systematic review.

Kirolos A, Goyheneix M, Kalmus Eliasz M, Chisala M, Lissauer S, Gladstone M, Kerac M,

Childhood pneumonia diagnostics: a narrative review.

Ojuawo O, Ojuawo A, Aladesanmi A, Adio M, Iroh Tam PY,

Empirical treatment against cytomegalovirus and tuberculosis in HIV-infected infants with severe pneumonia: study protocol for a multicenter, open-label randomized controlled clinical trial.

Rojo P, Moraleda C, Tagarro A, Domínguez-Rodríguez S, Castillo LM, Tato LMP, López AS, Manukyan L, Marcy O, Leroy V, Nardone A, Burger D, Bassat Q, Bates M, Moh R, Iroh Tam PY, Mvalo T, Magallhaes J, Buck WC, Sacarlal J, Musiime V, Chabala C, Mujuru HA,

Evaluation of the feasibility of the FAST-M maternal sepsis intervention in Pakistan: a protocol.

Ahmed SI, Sikandar R, Barolia R, Hanif Khowaja BM, Memon KA, Cheshire J, Dunlop C, Coomarasamy A, Sheikh L, Lissauer D,

Rotavirus Genotypes in Hospitalized Children With Acute Gastroenteritis Before and After Rotavirus Vaccine Introduction in Blantyre, Malawi, 1997-2019.

Mhango C, Mandolo JJ, Chinyama E, Wachepa R, Kanjerwa O, Malamba-Banda C, Matambo PB, Barnes KG, Chaguza C, Shawa IT, Nyaga MM, Hungerford D, Parashar UD, Pitzer VE, Kamng’ona AW, Iturriza-Gomara M, Cunliffe NA, Jere KC,

Risk factors for sustained virological non-suppression among children and adolescents living with HIV in Zimbabwe and Malawi: a secondary data analysis.

Jackson C, Rehman AM, McHugh G, Gonzalez-Martinez C, Ngwira LG, Bandason T, Mujuru H, Odland JO, Corbett EL, Ferrand RA, Simms V,

Spatial and Genomic Data to Characterize Endemic Typhoid Transmission.

Gauld JS, Olgemoeller F, Heinz E, Nkhata R, Bilima S, Wailan AM, Kennedy N, Mallewa J, Gordon MA, Read JM, Heyderman RS, Thomson NR, Diggle PJ, Feasey NA,