Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme

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Adherence to antiretroviral therapy in patients receiving free treatment from a government hospital in Blantyre, Malawi.

Bell DJ, Kapitao Y, Sikwese R, van Oosterhout JJ, Lalloo DG,

Differential var gene expression in the organs of patients dying of falciparum malaria.

Montgomery J, Mphande FA, Berriman M, Pain A, Rogerson SJ, Taylor TE, Molyneux ME, Craig A,

Finger-prick blood samples can be used interchangeably with venous samples for CD4 cell counting indicating their potential for use in CD4 rapid tests.

MacLennan CA, van Oosterhout JJ, White SA, Drayson MT, Zijlstra EE, Molyneux ME,

Diagnostic accuracy and clinical utility of a simplified low cost method of counting CD4 cells with flow cytometry in Malawi: diagnostic accuracy study.

MacLennan CA, Liu MK, White SA, van Oosterhout JJ, Simukonda F, Bwanali J, Moore MJ, Zijlstra EE, Drayson MT, Molyneux ME,

“Sexual” population structure and genetics of the malaria agent P. falciparum.

Mzilahowa T, McCall PJ, Hastings IM,

Alveolar macrophages from HIV-infected patients with pulmonary tuberculosis retain the capacity to respond to stimulation by lipopolysaccharide.

Mwandumba HC, Squire SB, White SA, Nyirenda MH, Zijlstra EE, Molyneux ME, Russell DG, Rhoades ER,

AIDS patients have increased surfactant protein D but normal mannose binding lectin levels in lung fluid.

Jambo KC, French N, Zijlstra E, Gordon SB,

In vitro antimalarial susceptibility profile and prcrt/pfmdr-1 genotypes of Plasmodium falciparum field isolates from Malawi.

Nkhoma S, Molyneux M, Ward S,

High pneumococcal DNA loads are associated with mortality in Malawian children with invasive pneumococcal disease.

Carrol ED, Guiver M, Nkhoma S, Mankhambo LA, Marsh J, Balmer P, Banda DL, Jeffers G, IPD Study Group, White SA, Molyneux EM, Molyneux ME, Smyth RL, Hart CA,

Molecular surveillance for drug-resistant Plasmodiumfalciparum malaria in Malawi.

Nkhoma S, Molyneux M, Ward S,