Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme

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Long term outcome of severe anaemia in Malawian children.

Phiri KS, Calis JC, Faragher B, Nkhoma E, Ng’oma K, Mangochi B, Molyneux ME, van Hensbroek MB,

Impact of human immunodeficiency virus infection in pregnant women on variant-specific immunity to malaria.

Dembo EG, Mwapasa V, Montgomery J, Craig AG, Porter KA, Meshnick SR, Molyneux ME, Rogerson SJ,

The neglected role of antibody in protection against bacteremia caused by nontyphoidal strains of Salmonella in African children.

MacLennan CA, Gondwe EN, Msefula CL, Kingsley RA, Thomson NR, White SA, Goodall M, Pickard DJ, Graham SM, Dougan G, Hart CA, Molyneux ME, Drayson MT,

Epidemics of invasive Salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis and S. enterica Serovar typhimurium infection associated with multidrug resistance among adults and children in Malawi.

Gordon MA, Graham SM, Walsh AL, Wilson L, Phiri A, Molyneux E, Zijlstra EE, Heyderman RS, Hart CA, Molyneux ME,

Brain abscesses in Malawian children: value of CT scan.

Mankhambo L, Phiri A, Chiwaya K, Graham SM,

Association between sputum smear status and local immune responses at the site of disease in HIV-infected patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.

Mwandumba HC, Bertel Squire S, White SA, Nyirenda MH, Kampondeni SD, Rhoades ER, Zijlstra EE, Molyneux ME, Russell DG,

Platelet-induced clumping of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes from Malawian patients with cerebral malaria-possible modulation in vivo by thrombocytopenia.

Wassmer SC, Taylor T, Maclennan CA, Kanjala M, Mukaka M, Molyneux ME, Grau GE,

Affordable pediatric CD4 counting by flow cytometry in Malawi.

Maclennan CA, Dzumani F, Namarika A, Moons P, Senga E, Molyneux ME, Drayson MT, Bunn JE,

Primary macrophages from HIV-infected adults show dysregulated cytokine responses to Salmonella, but normal internalization and killing.

Gordon MA, Gordon SB, Musaya L, Zijlstra EE, Molyneux ME, Read RC,

Successful downstream application of the Paxgene Blood RNA system from small blood samples in paediatric patients for quantitative PCR analysis.

Carrol ED, Salway F, Pepper SD, Saunders E, Mankhambo LA, Ollier WE, Hart CA, Day P,