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We will miss Nurse Labes Njiragoma

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We will miss Nurse Labes Njiragoma

Nurse Njiragoma served MLW for 20 years, making her one of the longest serving employees of the institution. The Clinical Team and management bade her farewell on 19 June 2018. In a short interview with Pauline Mlogeni (PM), Nurse Njiragoma (LN) had some remarks for all employees at MLW as follows:

PM: Please tell us your experiences at MLW.

LN: I have had a good working experience at MLW since joining MLW in October 1998. I consider it both a privilege and honour to have worked for MLW. Collectively, we have made MLW a great place to work. Visions have been created and goals are being achieved. The working environment is conducive for staff to pursue excellence in their careers and personal development, for example, there are trainings and learning programmes that provide a boost in team work, workers’ morale and skill sets.


PM: How do you feel about winning the Best Nurse Award for 2018 at the International Nurses Day?

LN: I was very happy to get this award. I never imagined of getting such a prestigious award and I am thankful to fellow nurses for nominating me. It was both a surprise and an honour to have received the award.

PM: What are your plans after retirement?

LN: What comes to me at this moment is to relax, relax and relax some more. Later, I will begin chicken rearing as a business.

PM: What can you advise MLW staff?

LN: They should be open and trustworthy. The world needs openness and good hearts. Have positive emotions, be receptive and creative. As human beings, we go through both hard and good times, we make mistakes, we get disappointed in many ways but if we believe in ourselves, success is likely to follow. Having passion is vital. If we can figure out our purposes in life, we will take the right directions to pursuing our dreams. Hard work from everyone cannot be more emphasised. We need it to achieve our goals.

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