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Three Malaria Group members awarded travel awards to attend a course in Vaccinology

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Three Malaria Group members awarded travel awards to attend a course in Vaccinology

 Drs. Latif Ndeketa, Donnie Mategula and Alinane Menyenyembe, members of the Malaria Research Group have recently been given a travel grant to attend the 2017 Vaccinology in Africa short course that will take place from 24 to 28th April. The course will be held at Makerere University/UVRI Infection and Immunity Research Training Programme (MUII) in Entebbe Uganda. This course is jointly organised by the Jenner Institute, University of Oxford and the host African research institute, and supported by the Jenner Vaccine Foundation.


The course alternates between African regions, and previous courses have been held at the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research in Accra, Ghana (2013), at the International Livestock Research Institute in Nairobi, Kenya (2014) and the Malaria Research and Training Centre & Centre d’Infectiologie Charles Mérieux in Bamako, Mali (2015).

The Vaccinology short courses are specifically aimed at students, researchers and professional residents in Africa. They cover the main aspects of vaccinology, the vaccine development process, bio-manufacturing, regulatory and ethical issues. The course also resonates with the ‘One Health’ agenda by highlighting human and veterinary links and synergies between the two fields from scientific, technological and regulatory perspectives. The current confirmed speakers of the course have an exceptional faculty of academic and industrial speakers from within Africa and Europe and they teach in such a way that it meets a master’s level standard.

The 2017 course received a total of 268 applications and 20 bursaries have given to residents from East African countries which include Latif, Donnie and Alinane.

“As a vaccinologist, this is a wonderful opportunity for me to network and learn with other leading vaccine experts in Eastern Africa and enhance my knowledge of vaccines from concept to post-licensure from an African perspective, said Latif.

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