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The invasion of Cape Town; MLW shines at the IUIS Conference!

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The invasion of Cape Town; MLW shines at the IUIS Conference!

17 immunology researchers from the Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Programme (MLW), ranging from early-career researchers to principal investigators, represented Malawi at the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) Congress from Monday, 27th November to Saturday, 2nd December 2023.

The theme for the 18th Congress was “Turn discoveries into treatments” and it emphasised the pivotal role immunologists play in translating findings into clinical policies and health interventions. The key objective of IUIS is to foster cooperation across territories, breaking barriers to advance immunology; an “Immunology without borders” of sorts, and MLW was at the centre of it.

MLW’s Director Professor Mwandumba, who also serves as the Vice-President of the Congress, delivered an impactful keynote speech, showcasing the groundbreaking research being conducted at MLW in Tuberculosis and HIV. Additionally, Associate Professor Kondwani Jambo and Dr. Kayla Barnes presented at symposium sessions highlighting research on Streptococcus Pneumoniae and Rotavirus, respectively.

Throughout the week, 13 poster presentations were made by researchers including Dr. Chris Moxon, Christine Mandalasi, David Mhango, Kennedy Mulungu, Isabelle Zgambo, Cheusisime Kajanga, Leonard Mvaya, James Nyirenda, Ndaru Jambo, Steven Mitini-Nkhoma, Aaron Chirambo, Elizabeth Chimbayo, and Agness Lakudzala, underscoring the training capacity at MLW.

The IUIS is a global organisation comprising immunological societies from various regions including, Europe, Latin America, the USA, Canada, Asia, and Africa.  The IUIS holds a congress meeting once every 3 years, and the 18th International Congress of Immunology for 2023 took place in Cape Town, South Africa, marking the first time the congress was held in Africa.

The Congress marked a significant milestone for the global collaboration fostered by IUIS. The presence of 17 researchers from MLW exemplified the commitment to advancing immunology in areas critical to public health.

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