180 Secondary School learners under the Science for All school clubs visited MLW in the month of May and where they toured the MLW laboratory and interacted with scientists. The Science for all Initiative Coordinator Agness Lakudzala said the experience was meant to nurture their aspiration of becoming future scientists.
The learners came from Stella Marris Secondary school, Ndirande Hill Secondary school, Zingwangwa secondary school, Ngumbe Secondary School in Blantyre, and Mfera Secondary school in Chikwawa. Before visiting the laboratory, the students had a career talk with one of MLW’s scientists Dr. David Mzinza who told his story about how he became a scientist starting from his early years and up to where he is now.
Dr. Mzinza also shared with the students how to overcome negative thoughts, discouragement, and failure, which he said, should only be considered as cement for success.
“My fellow students and I have been inspired to consider pursuing science careers. From Dr. Mzinza’s story I have learnt that when you work hard towards what you are passionate about, you are not motivated by the money you make but rather, the goals that you set to achieve. I believe that having these talks with scientists will inspire the younger generation to be focused and goal-oriented,” said Thokozire Afulano, a Form 4 student at Stella Marris.
The event was also graced with the presence of Mackshon Chitseko who visited MLW in 2013 while he was in Form 2 at Bangwe Secondary School. Chitseko is now in his final year pursuing a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at Kamuzu University of Health Sciences and is an ambassador of the Science for All Initiative.