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Science for All Initiative Strengthens Team Unity Through Successful Retreat

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Science for All Initiative Strengthens Team Unity Through Successful Retreat

The Science for All Initiative concluded a highly impactful team-building retreat at the picturesque Gulugufe Experience in Chikwawa on 26 January 2024.

Designed to foster stronger bonds and enhance teamwork among its members, the retreat proved to be a resounding success, setting the stage for future collaboration and innovation among the team members.

Led by the Coordinator of the Science for All Initiative Agness Lakudzala, the retreat prioritised two key objectives: cultivating collaboration and boosting overall morale.

Lakudzala expressed excitement due to how the event unfolded. She stated, “The event turned out very well and fruitful and I am excited. I believe that when team members find satisfaction in their collaboration, they are inherently more driven and dedicated to achieving common objectives. Such exercises stimulate creativity and innovation by encouraging participants to think beyond conventional boundaries, solve challenges collectively, and explore novel ideas without apprehension.”

Nestled amidst the serene landscapes of Gulugufe Experience, participants engaged in a variety of team-building activities, from trust-building exercises to outdoor adventures. The natural beauty of the surroundings, coupled with the engaging activities, fostered a positive and vibrant atmosphere conducive to strengthening bonds among team members.

One of the participants Stewart Wisiki described the retreat as a cheerful and collaborative environment, where team members were encouraged to interact freely while having fun. The retreat not only provided an opportunity for team members to connect on a personal level but also laid the groundwork for future collaboration on scientific endeavours.

The Science for All Initiative’s Communications Officer Oris Chimphambano highlighted the retreat’s profound impact on fostering a stronger sense of unity within the team, which will undoubtedly contribute to their success in achieving these goals.

Looking ahead to the year 2024, the Science for All Initiative has an ambitious agenda, including hosting the national Quiz as the main event, establishing clubs in Malawi’s southern region, organising a career day for secondary school Form 4 alumni, and undertaking innovative projects.

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