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Prioritise Risk, Audit, and Compliance – Prof Mwandumba’s Call at Staff Forum

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Prioritise Risk, Audit, and Compliance – Prof Mwandumba’s Call at Staff Forum

MLW’s Programme Director Prof. Henry Mwandumba has rallied support towards MLW’s newly established Risk, Audit and Compliance Department which he said is critical in retaining the high-quality outputs and excellence of MLW.

Mwandumba said this during the quarterly staff forum meeting of September 2023.

“when we  visited the Wellcome for the Africa-Asia Programmes networking meetings, during our interactions the Wellcome stressed the need for us to minimise risks and I personally pledge support towards the Risk and Compliance Department.”

Mwandumba also took the opportunity to commend MLW staff for the phenomenal contributions and roles played during the high-level Wellcome and United Kingdom’s All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) visits.

He asked the MLW community to prepare for other upcoming visits by the Wellcome and the University of Liverpool to MLW in October.

MLW’s Head of Operations Tamara Chipasula Makawa informed staff of the crucial appointments in the operations departments namely the appointment of .  Alfred Muyaya and Ausbert Khembo, , who are now heading the Data Management and Finance Departments respectively.

MLW’s Human Resources Manager Limbani Medi grabbed the opportunity and registered his concerns about poor personal finance management specifically among MLW’s male employees.

Medi said: “During the Men’s Conference, I became aware of the betting problem which is plaguing a lot of men at MLW. Let us control this habit because betting is addictive, This is fueling the problem of poor personal finance management regardless of several efforts in place to address the challenge.”

Safeguarding, rebranding of MLW, career development, and staff welfare fund investment updates were also highlighted during the Staff Forum. The next staff forum is scheduled for December 2023.

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