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MLW’s Chikwawa Building to be Completed by July 2022

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MLW’s Chikwawa Building to be Completed by July 2022

After some inevitable setbacks, the new building at MLW’s Chikwawa site is drawing towards its completion date.  The constructors mentioned July 2022 as the completion time.

The Managing Director for the construction company responsible for constructing the new building, Dan Chale made these remarks during a meeting that took place on 25 May 2022 at the site.

The Project Manager for the Chikwawa Building John Zumazuma said they are working with the contractors on getting done with the final touches soon.

“The initial completion date was 24 March 2022 but additional works such as gully protection works (installation of Gabions), stormwater drainage, and bad weather conditions such as cyclone Ana made it impossible to deliver materials to the site and thus the reason for the delay,” Zumazuma highlighted.

Since breaking ground in September 2021, there has been notable progress in the building and both the contractors and MLW have worked hard to keep this large-scale project on schedule and within the budget set.

“We are pleased to be in a position where we can provide additional space, The project will enable MLW to conduct more research projects in Chikwawa and surrounding areas. The District and the District Directorate of Health and Social Services (DHSS) will also benefit from the building because the DHSS will also have an office in the building,” said Theu.

A fieldworker in Chikwawa Chiyembekezo Palije expressed his anticipation for the new building. He said he is very excited because he will have a place where he can organise a sync research data after collecting data in the field.

Two major constructions are currently in progress at MLW to address the demand for working space from a larger growing MLW community. The building in Chikwawa is funded by the Wellcome.

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