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MLW to Train Radiographers at QECH on Operating CT Machine

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MLW to Train Radiographers at QECH on Operating CT Machine

Malawi Liverpool Wellcome is expected to train radiographers at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) in operations and maintenance of the state-of-the-art Computerized Tomography (CT) machine. The decision for MLW to build the capacity of radiographers at QECH comes a few months after the installation of the modern CT machine at Blantyre’s main referral hospital in December 2021.

The Ministry of Health donated the modern CT Machine to QECH in December 2020 to boost health service delivery at the hospital through accelerated diagnosis and digital imaging at the QECH’s Radiography Department.

Chief Radiographer George Mubisa said the decision for MLW to offer training to staff members in the Radiography Department is a timely intervention that will raise the quality of service delivered at the main referral Hospital.

“We are grateful for the unwavering support we receive from MLW. MLW has currently installed internet in the CT room which will lubricate image transmission from the machine to the radiograph reporting room, hence necessitating speedy response to the various conditions,” said Mubisa.

MLW has a good relationship with QECH that has seen both parties benefitting in different areas of health and research.

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