The MLW Community Engagement and Bioethics (CE & B) Associate Research Group was part of this year’s summer school held in Bangkok, Thailand by The Global Health Bioethics Network (GHBN) which ran from 12-16 September 2022. On the sidelines of the summer school, the CE & B group joined in the MLW 25th anniversary celebrations.
In celebrating MLW, Dr Nicola Desmond said it is wonderful that MLW has reached its 25th anniversary and that she is privileged to have been part of the team for many years.
“I want to particularly congratulate the social science and community engagement teams for their work and look forward to more successes with you all in the future,” said Desmond.
MLW’s Social Scientist Gertrude Banda said: “This is not just an organisation’s anniversary celebration, it’s an anniversary celebration of a family that only grew stronger over the years. As they say, teamwork turns dreams to reality. Thank you MLW!”.
This year’s summer school themes were Ethics & AMR, Ethics & Pandemics, Ethics & Engagement, Vaccines & Ethics and Justice & Equity.
The network also carries out ethics research and builds ethics capacity across the Wellcome Trust’s Programmes in Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Thailand-Laos, and Viet Nam, as well as other Wellcome Trust centres, such as the Brighton and Suffolk Centre for Global Health Research.
The Global Health Bioethics Network (GHBN) is a collaboration between the five Wellcome Trust funded Africa and Asia Programmes (AAPS) in Kenya, Thailand-Laos, South Africa, Viet Nam, Malawi, and the Ethox Centre at the University of Oxford. The network holds summer schools annually.