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MLW Lab Offered SADCAS Reaccreditation

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MLW Lab Offered SADCAS Reaccreditation

On 26 August 2021, SADCAS conducted a periodic assessment based on ISO 15189:20212. The assessment was a means to verify the continued implementation of ISO15189:2012 in the laboratory.  Quality Assurance Manager Joshua Kaphika said the reaccreditation was conducted by 4 assessors on six scopes: hematology, chemistry, serology, microbiology, tuberculosis, and parasitology. The assessment was a success because MLW laboratory maintained and added two test procedures to the scope. 

“The assessors noted that the quality management system is well implemented and aligns with the requirements of ISO and SADCAS. Our staff competency was also verified. This involved document and records reviews including witnessing staff doing the test procedures. Some observations were raised for improvement during the assessment and the laboratory will have to work on these within 60 days from the date of assessment. 

“I would like to thank the senior management team, the CORE laboratory staff, and the following people for making the accreditation maintenance possible: Brigitte Denis, George Selemani, Sithembile Bilima, Mirriam Machonjo, Doris Shani, Harold Chinyama, Owen Makondi, MacFarlane Kantwanje, Steven Mangochi, Mapopa Nyirongo, Christopher Kukacha, Wanangwa Ndovie, and Pauline Mlogeni (she did a fantastic job of recording videos of staff doing the procedures and sending to the assessors),” said Kaphika.   

The MLW Laboratory, which was initially accredited on 16 February 2021, will have periodic assessments once every year. Any lab that does not perform is either withdrawn or the accreditation suspended. 

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