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MLW Joins ‘May Measurement Month’ Global Campaign

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MLW Joins ‘May Measurement Month’ Global Campaign

On 20 May 2022, Malawi Liverpool Wellcome (MLW) joined a global campaign branded May Measurement Month (MMM) with a focus on raising awareness and screening people for hypertension through the Health and Safety Department.

Occupational Health Nurse Stephen Amos described hypertension as a silent killer because most people who suffer from the disease do not have symptoms, especially at the early stages.

“The only way to detect hypertension is when one gets blood pressure checked. This is the reason I am encouraging staff members to develop a habit of regularly checking their blood pressure and to adopt lifestyles that will prevent them from getting hypertension,” said Amos.

MLW conducts mass screening of hypertension in May and November each year.  Blood sugar tests and weight check services are also normally available at Occupational Health Nurse’s Office every day.

One of the staff members who got her blood sugar and blood pressure checked Maideyi Kanjewe said: “Screening health conditions will ensure a healthy MLW workforce that will resultantly contribute to MLW’s aim of conducting excellent research for the benefit of all.”

Commenting on patronage MLW’s Occupation Health Nurse said prior discussions with the staff about hypertension and the importance of participating in health checks paid off as a good number of people showed up for screenings.

110 employees at MLW participated in the Mass Screening with 59 having their blood pressure checked and 51 opting for blood sugar checks.

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