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MLW Courts Nchalo Police Service

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MLW Courts Nchalo Police Service

Malawi Liverpool Wellcome (MLW) Community Engagement Coordinator Elvis Moyo says meaningful involvement of key stakeholders in clinical research smoothens the research journey. Moyo made these remarks during an interface meeting with police officers in Nchalo on 23 December 2021.

During the meeting, Moyo underscored that it is imperative to brief the law enforcers about the work of MLW because police officers play an important role in protecting the community and researchers from harm.

“We (MLW) thought it wise to come here and share with you an overview of our work. It is MLW’s culture to engage stakeholders in the activities that we do. This meeting is very important because it brings both parties (MLW and Police) on the same page regarding clinical research work thus heightening chances of success,” said Moyo.

Nchalo Police Officer-in-Charge Noel Munthali applauded MLW for organising the meeting. Munthali said the meeting was crucial for the police to understand their role in helping MLW conduct excellent research.

MLW is expected to hold another briefing with Nchalo police officers in April 2022.

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