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MLW Collects Radio Programme Feedback from Listening Clubs

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MLW Collects Radio Programme Feedback from Listening Clubs

Between 13 and 17 November 2023, the Communications and Public Engagement Department visited listening clubs in Dedza, Balaka, and Mangochi to receive feedback on how the Umoyo N’kukambirana Radio Programme was faring in the communities. The team also gathered content in the form of poems, dramas, and focus group discussions from the listening clubs which are being aired up to December 2023.

One of the feedback items that was echoed across the listening clubs was to have more drama and music in the radio programme. The chairman of Masomphenya Radio Listening Club in Balaka expressed these sentiments, “We are happy when we listen to poems, plays, and music in the radio programme. If the programme does not have these creative components, we feel that there has been no representation of the communities because listening clubs are the eyes of the radio programme and the creators of the creative content that is aired.”

Communications and Policy Engagement Coordinator Pauline Hellen Mlogeni said that she was happy with the listenership of the radio programme although there is a need for improvement in some listening clubs. She urged for continued listening to the programme and participation in the Umoyo N’kukambirana WhatsApp Group and acknowledged the positive collaboration between MLW and the listening clubs.

In 2024, the Communications and Public Engagement Department plans to initiate outreach programmes with the radio listening clubs and the researchers within MLW.  Additionally, there are plans to facilitate exchange visits among the radio listening clubs to foster networking and collaborations for the radio programme.

Umoyo N’kukambirana (Let’s Talk About Health) is the flagship radio programme by MLW which addresses health and research-related issues.

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