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Kafukufuku wa za Umoyo Movie Premieres in Blantyre, Zomba and Chikwawa

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Kafukufuku wa za Umoyo Movie Premieres in Blantyre, Zomba and Chikwawa

To promote community awareness and foster transparency  of the research initiatives that the Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme (MLW) implements , the Communication and Public Engagement Department has recently premiered a documentary titled “Kafukufuku wa za Umoyo” in Blantyre, Zomba and Chikwawa districts.

The cinematic piece serves not only as a window into the institution’s profound commitment to scientific exploration but also underscores the significance of empowering and encouraging male participation in research.

At the heart of this enlightening narrative is an in-depth exploration of MLW’s origins, its core research activities, and a meticulous breakdown of the participant recruitment process. The documentary also lays bare the workings of MLW, shedding light on the vital research that is undertaken and the pivotal role that community involvement plays in advancing scientific pursuits.

MLW’s Community Engagement Coordinator Yamikani Dickson, indicated that a lot of people in Malawi are attracted to visual presentation and they pay attention, which is why using a movie to convey the information on the works that MLW does is a very effective approach.

“In Malawi, many people enjoy watching videos in video showrooms because this is part of entertainment specifically in high-density areas and in most rural communities. Such observations made the Communications and Public Engagement Department explore the practical ways of using this approach to engage communities where MLW conducts most of its research. Over the years, community film shows have proved that they can address community misconceptions about health research once relevant information is prepared and we plan to continue reaching a vast audience.”

Dickson also added that the film shines a spotlight on MLW’s dedication to encouraging male participation in research—an aspect often overlooked in the broader conversation surrounding healthcare and scientific studies. By addressing this imbalance, MLW aims to create a more comprehensive and representative body of research that can contribute meaningfully to the improvement of public health.

Quoting MLW’s Vector Biologist Kennedy Zembere, the documentary underlines, “Our mission is not confined to laboratory walls; it extends to the communities we serve.”

In addition to providing a comprehensive overview of MLW’s research activities, the documentary also delves into the process of obtaining informed consent from participants. By  detailing the steps involved in recruiting individuals for research studies, MLW aims to enhance transparency and build trust with the communities it serves.

Through interviews, testimonials, and real-life examples, the documentary captures the symbiotic relationship between the scientific community and the wider population.

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