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James Nyirenda awarded a Wellcome Trust – Integrative Infection Biology PhD Scholarship with the University of Glasgow

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James Nyirenda awarded a Wellcome Trust – Integrative Infection Biology PhD Scholarship with the University of Glasgow

Working in the Clinical and Experimental Malaria Research Group from 2021 and supervised by Dr Karl Sedeyl, James was awarded a core pre-PhD internship implementing a project titled: Characterizing Immune Response in the Central Nervous System in Febrile Encephalopathy. This experience provided him with the right environment to enhance his technical skills as he has acquired hands-on experience in various laboratory techniques, data analysis methods, and experimental design strategies.

“I’ve had the privilege of working with talented colleagues and mentors. Collaborative projects have taught me effective communication, teamwork, and the importance of leveraging diverse skills to achieve common goals. Overall, my experience in the research environment has been transformative, equipping me with the skills, knowledge, and mindset necessary for success in research and beyond. James has been awarded a competitive Wellcome Trust – Integrative Infection Biology PhD Scholarship with the University of Glasgow and he is deeply honoured and incredibly grateful to have been offered this PhD scholarship. “This opportunity means the world to me, and I am excited to embark on this next chapter of research and discovery”.

Go and Shine James!!

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