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Hopes High for the Chikwawa Research Building Project

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Hopes High for the Chikwawa Research Building Project

The groundbreaking work for the Chikwawa research building construction commenced in September 2021. On 2 November 2021, MLW staff members from the Facilities, Operations, Communication and Public Engagement, and Health and Safety departments, gathered at this site to appreciate the progress and give feedback.

The Project Manager for the building John Zumazuma commended both MLW and the contractors of the project for working ahead of the schedule.

“The physical project progress was at 48% as of 6 December 2021 which is a clear sign that the project is speeding up more than we expected, and this is fulfilling. With the pace at which this building is taking, we hope that we will beat our March 2022 deadline,” said Zumazuma.

According to Zumazuma, even with the speed, this project is taking, the quality is unbeatable.

During the meeting, queries from both the client and contractors were addressed. MLW staff and the contractor went through the phases which the building is expected to go through, and they discussed some of the environmental aspects and expectations from both the contractors and MLW.

MLW’s Field Site Manager Chimwemwe Theu said that there is hope that this project will help solve issues of space which has been a problem at the Chikwawa site for some time.

“This building will enable MLW to conduct more research projects in Chikwawa and surrounding areas. The District Directorate of Health and Social Services (DHSS) will benefit from the building because there is space that has been allocated to it. The DHSS will also use the meeting rooms in the building,” said Theu.

This site visit, Theu said, was crucial because the project is in its early stages, and this gives room to effect scope changes whenever needed without facing huge extra costs.

MLW has eight sites and Chikwawa is one of them. In Chikwawa, MLW has structures at St. Montfort Mission Hospital and Chikwawa District hospital.

The Chikwawa building will have meeting rooms, training rooms, offices, and an insectary.

This project is being funded by Wellcome.

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