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HIV/Aids Workplace Policy Successfully Launched at MLW

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HIV/Aids Workplace Policy Successfully Launched at MLW

MLW successfully launched its HIV/Aids Workplace Policy on 4 April 2019. The Policy was written to ensure effective prevention of new HIV infections and reduce the impact of HIV/Aids among MLW employees.
Some of the activities during the event included a testimony by Sosten Manyungwa who has been living with HIV and is on Antiretroviral Treatment, comedy by Frank Chikapa and Vicia Mbwelera.  There were also Beni and Mbotoska dances by Dikamawoko and MLW dancers, poetry by Mike Mautanga and music by John Ndaferankhande and Wilson Namathimba.

The event was graced by the Blantyre District Health Officer as the guest of honour. Deputy Director Henry Mwandumba gave a speech on the need to have the policy and how it would contribute to positive culture towards opening up and accepting people living with HIV within MLW.

The event, which was patronised by about 200 staff, had follow up activities which included distribution of condom and HIV self-testing kits.

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