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Final Preparations Underway for Fieldworkers’ Celebration Day

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Final Preparations Underway for Fieldworkers’ Celebration Day

The fieldworkers’ day celebrations committee is finalising preparations for the ‘Fieldworkers’ Day’ which is set to take place on 5 August 2022 at MLW.

The Fieldworkers’ Services Coordinator Elvis Moyo said as the countdown continues, he is very happy because what was once a dream will come to reality.

“The work which fieldworkers do needs to be recognised.  The Fieldworkers’ Initiative has clocked a year and we have witnessed several milestones during this period. For example, we have hosted mandatory fieldworkers’ trainings and Continuous Profession Development (CPD). Through these trainings, fieldworkers have acquired skills that will ensure growth in their careers. There has also been great interaction amongst the fieldworkers from these activities. The Fieldworkers’ Celebration Day is being conducted to recognise the fieldworkers and bring them together to interact,” said Moyo.

Out of 800 plus employees at MLW, over 200 are field workers.  These fieldworkers belong to different research groups and are highly involved in the data collection process.

This event according to a fieldworker from TyVAC Study Chisomo Lwanda, will give time to fieldworkers to relax, interact together and share their experiences with one another.

At the event, there will be activities from various artists, food, awards, and interaction between fieldworkers and guest speakers.

Some of the special guests from MLW expected to grace the event are MLW acting Director Professor Henry Mwandumba, Chief Operating Officer Aubrey Chalira, Dr. Latif Ndeketa, and Dr. Anja Terlouw.

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