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Field Workers Share their Work Experiences

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Field Workers Share their Work Experiences

The Communications and Public Engagement Department at Malawi Liverpool Wellcome (MLW) has conducted a series of field workers’ visits in Zomba, Mangochi, and Lilongwe to detect and iron out welfare differences among field workers. 

The meetings that were conducted from 29 September to 1October 2021 in the districts were aimed at briefing field workers of the newly introduced Fieldworkers Initiative Office and capturing their concerns. 

During one of the meetings, a field worker based in Zomba Timeyo Mtenga said the interaction was a positive platform that instilled hopes for change regarding field workers’ welfare. 

“We believe that this meeting will bear positive fruits because several things have been highlighted and we hope our input will inform decision making at the senior management,” said Mtenga.  

During the meetings, issues of transport, office space, and inadequate training for field workers emerged as crucial problems that are limiting field workers’ operations. 

Commenting after the visits, Fieldworker Coordinator Latoya Kamwendo said the trip was a success because the interactions with field workers revealed issues and gaps that need to be addressed.  

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