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Blantyre and Chikwawa CAG Meetings Successful

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Blantyre and Chikwawa CAG Meetings Successful

Malawi Liverpool Wellcome (MLW) Programme held Quarterly Interactive meetings for Community Advisory Groups in Chikwawa and Blantyre Districts to keep community groups abreast with MLW’s recent developments.

MLW officials utilised the interactions to share overviews and solicit feedback on different studies such as Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine Study (TYVAC2), Impacts of Vaccine on Antimicrobial Resistance (IVAR), and PAVE Studies.

DRUM and TYVAC 1 Study teams also shared preliminary findings for their respective research works.

MLW Community Engagement Officer Yamikani Dickson said, “The meeting was a success because it managed to address issues that were raised during other Quarterly Meetings such as study results sharing.”

Dickson urged all CAG members to ensure that they are reporting any issues related to health research in their communities.

Among others, the quarterly meetings were used to brief CAG members on the upcoming 25th Anniversary of MLW.

CAG member from Soche Township in Blantyre Alice Chiwaya said the meeting enhanced her understanding of MLW, thereby empowering CAG members to effectively communicate more about MLW.

“This meeting is very important as it will help us dispel myths about MLW’s works that arise due to lack of facts in communities that we work,” said Chiwaya.

The Blantyre CAG meeting was patronised by 69 CAG members with the Chikwawa meeting registering 49 CAG members. These are the first CAG meetings of 2022.


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