There are four key management groups in MLW (Senior Management Team [SMT], Research Strategy Group [RSG], Research Support Units [RSUs], and Operations Heads of Department [HODs]).
These key groups support each other through a framework of monthly, quarterly, and bi-annual meetings.
The Research Strategy Group (RSG)
The Research Strategy Group (RSG) reviews and accepts all new projects. RSG includes the Director, Deputy Director, Chief Operating Officer, Heads of Groups including Associate Director, and Heads of Research Support Units (Clinical, Laboratories, Data & Statistics). A major measure of each Research Group strength and value is demonstrated by provision of specific expert oversight and quality assurance to particular Core Facilities.
Operational Departments
There are several Operational Departments (Finance; Human Resources; Information Technology; Data; Laboratory; Clinical Services; Health and Safety; Supply Chain; Chikwawa and other Field Sites; Communications and Public Engagement; and Facilities). These are each headed by a Departmental Head who takes full responsibility for each department.