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The Second  Trainee Social Event Successfully Held at Game Haven

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The Second  Trainee Social Event Successfully Held at Game Haven

The Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Trust’s (MLW) mission is to train the next generation of researchers and science leaders. Through the Training Committee, we strive to create a nurturing environment to make training exciting, supportive, and academically stimulating. We sought input from trainees who suggested having academic activities that will improve interaction and interdisciplinary collaboration among trainees. We, therefore, plan for various social and academic events to enhance interaction among trainees. We are pleased to share that the second social event took place on 17 June.

A lightful moment of board games playing

This was an interactive and casual relaxing time where trainees had a chat-up, played physical and mind-stimulating games, and laughed the Friday off into the weekend. Music and braii spiced up the event.

The Training Committee Co-Chair Dr. Kondwani Jambo shared how far we have come to register several training successes. He pointed out that 58% of the trainees are females and 42% are males and some of the discussions focused on strategies for networking and collaboration.

Some of the trainees had this to say about the event:

“The social event was not only fun and interesting. It was a platform that allowed me to meet, know people, and learn the different paths that people take in their careers and this was so inspiring. As a new member at MLW, the social event allowed me to learn more about the different routes that others take in the same research career. It made me feel a part of the team than before”.

“I would say the social event met and surpassed the expectations that I had. It was a good platform”

I liked it. Meeting and bonding with new people were great. I especially liked hearing experiences from the trainees that spoke. A highlight was also when a CHANCOL graduate spoke and thought she was the only one there after I approached her and told her I am also a CHANCOL graduate and there are many of us even in JR. Made us connect as alumni of CHANCOL”.

Selection to attend the trainee social event is based on training level, gender, and scientific discipline for us to have a diverse group wherever possible at each event.

The Training Committee would like to thank everyone who attended the event and is urging other trainees at both KUHES and MLW to patronize such events.


An interactive chat between MLW and KUHeS representatives

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